Breast lift

Loss of skin elasticity, gravity and other factors such as weight loss, pregnancy and breast-feeding ultimately affect the shape and firmness of your breasts. Patients who are generally satisfied with the size of their breasts can have a breast lift to raise and firm them, resulting in a more youthful breast contour. Some patients may… Continua a leggere Breast lift

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation plastic surgery is one of the most common procedures performed annually by members of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Women may choose to under go breast enlargement surgery for various reasons. These personal reasons may center around breasts that are perceived to be under developed, or because of differences in the… Continua a leggere Breast augmentation

Chirurgia estetica: Gli specialisti dicono No al Far West

Chirurgia estetica: Gli specialisti dicono No al Far West Ritoccati e infelici: il 35% di chi ha fatti ricorso ad “aiutini” estetici ha avuto effetti collaterali, il 17% lamenta complicazioni post-intervento e il 20%, cioè un paziente su 5, se potesse tornare indietro non lo rifarebbe. Sono alcuni dati emersi da un’indagine firmata Altroconsumo, nel… Continua a leggere Chirurgia estetica: Gli specialisti dicono No al Far West

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